.NET Rocks!

Subscribe to .NET Rocks!

At the same time we published this new improved .NET Rocks! web site, we moved our podcast host to Spreaker (aka I Heart Radio), and redirected our existing RSS feed.

What feed should I use?

You should use https://pwop.com/feed.aspx?show=dotnetrocks. It currently redirects to Spreaker, but if for some reason in the future we move to another podcast host, we will redirect it accordingly.

Can I still use tags?

Yes! You can use the tags argument to return episodes that match the tags. Tags are separated by commas.


Geek Outs only:

Geek Outs and HTML 5:

All Tags:

agile, android, aop, architecture, artificial intelligence, asp.net, asp.net mvc, azure, bbq, bdd, blazor, build, business intelligence, c#, career, charity, cloud, containers, craftsmanship, css, data, design, devops, education, embedded systems, energy, f#, flash, foo, foobar, framework, functional programming, gaming, garbonzos, geek out, general interest, html 5, identity, ie9, installation, internet of things, ios, iyc, java, javascript, kinect, law, lightswitch, linq, mac, machine learning, management, maui, microservices, mixed reality, mobile, mono, no-code/low-code, node, non-sql databases, nui, office, open source, parallelism, powershell, q#, quantum computing, security, serverless, sharepoint, silverlight, social media, source control, space, tablet, tabletshow, tdd, testing, tfs, touch, user experience, uwp, vb.net, virtualization, visual studio, wcf, windows 10, windows 8, windows phone, winrt, wpf, xamarin, xaml, xbox, xna

Sorry, but Feedburner is dead

Feedburner was a service that wedged itself between your podcast client and our feed. Google shut it down, and there's now no way we can update our feed within it. So, if you were using Feedburner as your RSS feed, you will no longer receive new episodes from it.

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