.NET Conf with Jeff Fritz
Are you ready for .NET Conf? Carl and Richard talk to Jeff Fritz about the latest version of .NET coming out - and the online event that celebrates it! Jeff talks about his top ten favorite sessions in the show, the ones you definitely don't want to miss. And if you have folks that are new to .NET, you want to check out the pre-event day that can help folks get started! See you online Nov 13-15!

Jeff Fritz
Jeff Fritz is a principal program manager in Microsoft’s Developer Division on the .NET Community Team where he leads development of live video and online content. Jeff is the executive producer of the .NET Conf series of online events. He is also a Twitch and YouTube partner as well as the founder of the Live Coders stream team. You can catch Jeff writing .NET Code with GitHub, Visual Studio, and Azure on his video stream called 'Fritz and Friends' at twitch.tv/csharpfritz
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