.NET Rocks!

PHP and WebAssembly with Jakub Míšek

Episode #1847 Thursday, May 25, 2023

The power of .NET means PHP can run in the browser efficiently! Carl and Richard talk to Jakub Míšek about PeachPie using WASM. Jakub talks about how easy it was to deploy PeachPie, the .NET implementation of PHP, into WebAssembly, much like Blazor works. Then the tricky bit starts - PHP is a server-side technology, so many of the constructs are based on trips to a server. That doesn't mean there aren't solutions, but they need some thinking through. The question is, do we want to run WordPress in a browser?


Jakub Míšek

Jakub Míšek is a veteran .NET developer, Co-Founder of iolevel, where he is working on the PeachPie compiler platform, Co-Founder of DEVSENSE, where he's providing advanced PHP development tools for Visual Studio and VS Code, sports enthusiast, and PhD candidate in Software Engineering on the Charles University in Prague.


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