.NET Rocks!

Paul Lewis Sees 3D in HTML 5

Episode #707 Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Carl and Richard talk to Paul Lewis about doing 3D graphics in HTML 5. Paul has built a 3D engine in HTML 5 called A3. The conversation dives into the power of 3D rendering in the latest generation of browser and how it affects people. Paul talks about how he balances his time between his code monkey work and his undulating monkey work. Richard pops out an article about how physical textures, weight and size affect psychology and how that can impact your UX design. Lots of discussion about building LOB apps in HTML 5 vs. native, as well as how Windows 8 and mobile applications expand the challenge. A classic DotNetRocks conversation!


Paul Lewis

Paul Lewis is a Brit currently based in Stockholm, Sweden and working as a Senior Developer at Fi. He was getting his degree in Computing Science in 2001 when he found 2advanced's v3 website, and it totally changed his outlook. He spent a ton of time playing with Flash and learning how to apply his CS background to the web. He now develops in Flash, HTML5, WebGL, PHP, Java, JavaScript, ActionScript, and any other cool language that comes along.


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