.NET Rocks!

Jason Zander Ships Visual Studio 2012!

Episode #792 Thursday, August 9, 2012

Carl and Richard talk to Microsoft VP Jason Zander about the release of Visual Studio 2012 and .NET 4.5. Jason addresses many of the key points around building Studio 2012 - the deep integration with Windows 8, how the teams worked together to allow the C++/XAML, C#/XAML and HTML5/WinJS development approaches... even why the Studio 2012 UI looks the way it does! The conversation then jumps to developing for ARM, some time talking about cloud development, even a mention of Sharepoint and Office tools. Great insight from a guy who has been part of .NET since the beginning!


Jason Zander

Jason Zander is the Corporate Vice President of the Microsoft Azure Team in the Cloud & Enterprise group at Microsoft Corporation. Jason’s team responsibilities include the architecture and development of core Azure technologies (such as compute, storage, networking, public cloud data centers and engineering systems). Jason also leads development of the Azure IoT effort at Microsoft.

Before joining the Azure team, Jason was CVP of engineering for the Visual Studio team and has worked on numerous products at Microsoft including the first several releases of the CLR and .NET Framework, SourceSafe, and ODBC. Before joining Microsoft in 1992, Jason worked at IBM on Distributed SQL and SQL/400 at the Rochester lab. Jason holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from MSU.


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