.NET Rocks!

Azure Update with Michele Leroux Bustamante

Episode #1104 Tuesday, February 24, 2015

So where is Azure at today? Carl and Richard talk to Michele Leroux Bustamante about her work with a number of customers utilizing Microsoft Azure. The conversation digs into what Michele considers new Azure vs. old Azure. She still has customers depending on web and worker roles, while many have moved purely over to WebSites. And the evolution continues, with better analytics, the beginnings of container technology taking over from regular VMs... we're still at the beginning of the cloud revolution, and it's only getting more interesting!


Michèle Leroux Bustamante

Michele Leroux Bustamante is a founder and CIO of Solliance (solliance.net), founder of Policy Server, a Microsoft Regional Director and Microsoft Azure MVP. Michele has years of experience in many fields including software architecture and design, identity and access management, cloud computing technologies, security and compliance, and DevOps.


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