.NET Rocks!

.NET Foundation with Martin Woodward and Beth Massi

Episode #1217 Thursday, November 12, 2015

How does the .NET Foundation change the way you build software? While at the MVP Summit, Carl and Richard met with Martin Woodward and Beth Massi to talk about how the .NET Foundation was created and is evolving to carry .NET open source software forward. As Martin explains, even though key platform tools like the .NET Core, ASP.NET and MVC are all part of the foundation, Microsoft still makes a retail build of the products - so if you don't want to use open source, you don't have to! But if you and your organization are looking at open source, the .NET Foundation provides a certain level of coherence and structure to open source projects so that you can be sure the code will be there when you need it. Check it out!


Martin Woodward

Martin Woodward is the Director of Developer Relations at GitHub where he helps developers and open source communities to create delightful things. Prior to that, he was part of the team at Microsoft building the tooling for DevOps teams inside and outside the company where he helped change how the company built software. He also helped change how they work with open source communities by creating the Microsoft org on GitHub and helping to set up the .NET Foundation

Beth Massi

Beth Massi is the Product Marketing Manager for .NET Platform and Languages (C#, F#, VB). She's a long-time community champion and a .NET Foundation officer. She helps developers build amazing things. Follow her on twitter and GitHub: @BethMassi


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